This may have been one of the best New Years ever. Of course I was asleep (or trying to be asleep while the neighborhood hooligans were blowing up their firework stash) but so many good things happened in 2013 and I just know this year is going to be full of good things too. Do we ever think the New Year is NOT going to be better than the last? :)
I have very simple goals this year…
1. Finish projects…ANY projects.
2. Get my Art Quilt collection for the coffee shop on Siesta Key done.
3. Take my Real Estate test and get my license. Class is done I just need to take the blasted test!
4. Get involved in the Modern Quilt Guild of Sarasota and the Surface Design Guild.
and then the usual…
5. Lose a little around the middle.
Okay, I've started 2 new projects to get the New Year going…
The first one is Blogger Girls Block of the Month.
Monique at
Open Gate Quilts has a free 6 month Block of the Month where you do 2 of the same blocks in 2 different color settings so by the end of the 6 months you have 12 blocks. She also has the settings designed for you for free. She did red and greens but has a list of a few other bloggers that are doing this as well and they have different color schemes so you can see what that would look like. I chose turquoise and tangerine…although instagram made them look like turquoise and hot pink :) I will post pictures as I go along...

The second project is a table runner that was supposed to be a Christmas gift for one of Sophie's Aunts. I was killing myself trying to finish the other one from my last post for the
other Aunt so I decided to stop worrying and bought her gift instead. So this will be a New Years gift! This one is also from Modern Patchwork's Winter 2014 magazine. The colors don't show well in the picture but they are deep rich colors and the gray has a nice sheen to it. I just love that fabric. I am challenging myself because I have never sewn curves in a quilt so hopefully my next block won't be so messy!
We'll see how this goes!
Happy New Year!